Goldstar Environmental Services, Inc. has been an environmental remediation contractor since 1990. Services include underground storage tank closures, lab pack services, contaminated soil excavation and disposal, soil probing, well drilling, ground penetrating radar and spill clean up. We provide the “hands on” support services to environmental consultants, engineers and industry in meeting the demands of site investigation and remediation.
Goldstar is a NJDEP licensed UST contractor (US00137) with the experience of removing hundreds of regulated and non-regulated USTs in the past two decades. Our personnel are fully trained professionals with the appropriate OSHA certifications such as 40-hour HAZWOPER training and confined space entry. Our hazardous site projects are run with safety as first and foremost priority.
Goldstar has four NJDEP licensed well drillers on staff. Our equipment includes four soil probes with the capability to operate dense urban environments to remote off-road areas.
Our tank and utility locating services combine years of field knowledge of USTs with the right tools to get the task completed. Our equipment includes a Ramac X3M Radar system with a 250, 500 and 800 MHz antennas, Fischer TW-6 metal detector, a Radiodection RD4000 pipe/cable locator, and a Magna-Trac 102 ferro-magnetic locator.
Site currently under construction.